Domaine Agnès Paquet

Domaine Agnès Paquet, Meloisey

Agnès Paquet

Driving into the perched hillside village of Meloisey in the Hautes Côtes de Beaune behind Pommard, you can immediately understand why this beautiful, elevated spot can give wines that have such clarity and freshness. It is here that Agnès Paquet, a young proprietor and winemaker, created her Domaine in 2000. She started with a vineyard in Auxey-Duresses inherited from her grandparents, and we are delighted again to offer both white and red versions from those vines. In addition, we ship her delicious, great-value regional wines: Bourgogne Hautes-Côtes de Beaune in both colours, along with a new listing Bourgogne Aligoté and a single-vineyard Pommard.

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