Domaine Seguin-Manuel

Domaine Seguin-Manuel, Beaune

Thibaut Marion

Seguin-Manuel has links with Burgundy vineyards dating back to 1720. In 2004, the firm with its fine vineyard estate was bought by Thibaut Marion, a scion of the old Beaune family which used to own and manage Chanson Père & Fils. Vines and wine-making were part of Thibaut’s DNA. We first tasted his wines when the firm was still based in Savigny, in a 14th century vat-house with splendid, vaulted cellars which had been built by the Abbey of Cîteaux. On the outside wall could be seen one of the Latin inscriptions for which Savigny is famous: “If my memory serves me right, there are five reasons for drinking: the arrival of a guest, present and future thirst, the quality of the wines and any other reason you like – 1772.”

Thibaut’s estate now covers 5 hectares, and he fine-tuned the wine-making when he moved to a new winery in Beaune. 2022 is the 12th vintage when we have made careful choices, this year finding 11 wines, from the nearly 30 appellations he makes. Thibaut’s drive for increased quality and focus has again brought magnificent results. “It’s my role to soften the price changes,” he tells us. Indeed, it is clear that these wines are again superb value.

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