Azienda Agricola di Campriano

Located 17km south of Siena, close to the village of Murlo, the Campriano estate comprises 350 hectares of oak forest, arable land and olive groves, including 15 hectares of vines. The farm buildings date back to the 15th century, the Neri family having acquired the property in 1914. This has always been Ranuccio Neri’s family home and he began working on the farm in 1993. With a degree in Agricultural Sciences and having spent time gaining experience at local wine estates (including Castello di Ama), Ranuccio’s primary goal at the time was to rebuild the vineyards, modernise the cellar and launch estate-bottled wines onto the market. Between 1995 and 1998 Ranuccio went on to develop his technical training, including studies and research at UC Davis and at the University of Bordeaux. More than 20 years on, he has an infectious enthusiasm for Tuscany and its wines. 2008 was the first vintage of Ranuccio`s Chianti Colli Senesi that we shipped to the UK. It is a style of Chianti we love, being a vibrant, pure expression of the Sangiovese, Canaiolo Nero and Ciliegiolo grapes.

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